P&N Bank Supercharges Productivity and Service with RPA

Kofax Whitepaper

Western Australia’s customer-owned P&N Bank wanted to lift service levels and operational efficiency but lacked a clear view of the volumes work they were processing. So they joined forces with Kofax and Process Automation Group to transform back-office operations with work management and robotic process automation solutions–saving thousands of person-hours annually and supporting smooth, responsive customer service.

Read the case study to learn:

  • The challenges P&N faced in gaining actionable insights into day-to-day account maintenance, deposits and loan processing
  • Methods used to identify which processes to automate
  • The gains made in efficiency and quality using Kofax solutions

“We now have a virtual workforce working alongside our teams, handling repetitive tasks far faster than a human ever could.”

–  Jill Marks, General Manager of Business Transformation, P&N Bank

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