Arvind Tyagi is a technology savvy, forward-looking transformational leader with rich experience in the private and public sectors. He has worked with reputed multinationals for over 20 years managing large teams and has been in leadership positions with the Commonwealth and State Governments.
Arvind presents a multidisciplinary and innovation-driven approach to addressing strategic issues. He holds MSc, MBA, Master of Ecommerce, Bachelor of Laws and Associate CPA. He is a certified risk manager, certified internal auditor, certified project director and a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He is also a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Manager and Leaders.
Arvind is known for bringing success to several strategic organisational projects through his contributions. Recent ones include: Transport Access Program (560 projects, multi billion capital outlay); Housing Affordability Agenda of the NSW Government ($4.2 billion) and program management of Planned Precincts within his current Department.
Arvind advocates for a people-driven, innovation-led approach to strategic change and transformation. He believes that dynamic leadership that takes people with it, brings sustainable and positive change operating in an ethical, value-based environment.
He is Executive Director, Portfolio Transformation Office at the NSW Department Planning & Environment.