Ms Rachael Falk is the Chief Executive Officer of the Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre (Cyber Security CRC).
Ms Falk comes to the Cyber CRC with a strong commercial and cyber security background having practiced as a lawyer for 15 years both in leading law firms in Australia and the UK and also in-house at Telstra Corporation Limited. Ms Falk became Telstra’s first General Manager of Cyber Influence. More recently she has been a cyber security consultant. She is a published author as well as the co-creator of the ‘Five Knows of Cyber Security’. Ms Falk is a regular commentator on topical cyber security issues in Australia.
Contact Us

To participate as a speaker:
Henna Qaisar
Senior Conference Producer
T: +61 410 828 401
E: Email Henna

To participate as a speaker:
Jasmine Haw Alvarez
Conference Producer
T: +61 2 8484 0918

To participate as a speaker:
Stella Spackman
Senior Conference Producer
T: +61 433 732 794
E: Email Stella