Rochelle Janssens

A/Director, Capability | Digital Economy

Queensland Government Customer and Digital Group

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has had a career ranging from the factory floor to the boardroom table. She has worked in small businesses, start her own businesses, worked in the private and public sector. Bringing her varied experiences together she now drives digital capability across Queensland Government, with an intrapreneurial spirit with a get it done attitude. Rochelle also has a passion for great leadership, and in her spare time works with women to become leaders from the inside out through a blend of mentoring, teaching and coaching.

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To participate as a speaker:
Murali Ramesh
Production Director
T: +61 2 8484 0904
To participate as a speaker:
Stella Spackman
Senior Conference Producer
T: +61 433 732 794
To participate as a speaker:
Henna Qaisar
Senior Conference Producer
T: +61 410 828 401