7th Annual FST Government Western Australia Summit

9 May 2023 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
The Westin Perth
About the Event


As a state with immense cultural complexity, it comes as no surprise that WA has its priorities set on increasing digital inclusivity, accessibility and transparency in order to connect its many communities.

We’ll examine this approach and much more at FST Government’s seventh annual Western Australia conference in 2023. We welcome esteemed technology and digital innovation thought leaders from the public sector to discuss trends that are shaping the future of digital government.

Join us where we’ll explore:

  • Digital inclusivity and the social impacts of technological enhancement
  • How important digital accessibility is across people, businesses and communities
  • Whole-of-government digital transformation
  • Data governance and adaptive cybersecurity with the onset of open data
  • Omnichannel services and platforms powered by digital innovation
  • The influences of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) amid the new face of augmented, predicted government
Chief Digital Officer
Office of Digital Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet of Western Australia
Chief Data Officer
Department of Communities
Chief Scientist
Government of Western Australia
Deputy Director Open Government Products
GovTech Singapore
Former Chief Information Security Officer
WA Police
Chief Digital Officer
Department of Finance
Director State Records
State Records Office of Western Australia
Coordinator, Education and Communications
Office of the Information Commissioner
Director CyberWest Innovation Hub
Edith Cowan University
Director Cyber Security
Office of Digital Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet WA
Manager, Cyber Security (CISO)
Water Corporation
Director Analytics and Insights
Road Safety Commission
Chief Data Officer
Department of Premier and Cabinet of Western Australia
Manager of Data Reform
Public Sector Commission
Manager ICT Security, Risk & Compliance
Department of Justice WA
Chief Cybersecurity Officer
East Metropolitan Health Service
Chief Technology Officer - PathWest
Department of Health
Director Optus Centre for Artificial Intelligence
Curtin University
Senior Director Digital Transformation and Platforms
Office of Digital Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet WA
Assistant Director Enterprise Information Management
Department of Finance
State Chair WA
IT Service Management Forum
Director Business Operations, Office of Defence West
Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Manager Technology Shared Services, Chief Information Security Officer
Horizon Power
Regional Vice President, Public Sector APAC
Chief Information Security Officer
Fortinet Australia
Senior Value Creation Manager
Director of Systems Engineering, APJ
Arista Networks
Head Data and Analytics Public Sector, Data Evangelist​
Tata Consultancy Services
Cultural Counsel
South West Aboriginal Land & Sea Council
Manager Customer and Information Services
City of Wanneroo
  • How the WA Government is utilising and sharing information and collaborating to further innovation, meet citizen needs, improve digital services and keep up with international standards.
  • The role IT, data and cyber security play in transformation, innovation and technology evolution.
  • What can organisations do to encourage, develop and implement innovative projects and programs?
  • Delivering Value for Government with the World's Largest Security Cloud
  • The Cloud Effect - learnings from the world's largest security cloud
  • Security transformation underpins and accelerates Business Transformation
  • Delivering Value for Government

Our peer to peer roundtable discussions enable you to engage with other attendees as they rotate from table to table.

Each discussion features one of 16 distinct topics and is hosted by a technology expert together with a government co-host to drive an engaging conversation amongst the participants.

This year's top themes span across Digital Leadership, Workforce Transformation & Development, IT Capabilities, Evolving Technology, Cyber Uplift, Advanced Data & Analytics, and more.

Embedding Citizen-First Approaches in IT Strategy to Supercharge Service Delivery and Drive Engagement

  • Whole of Government Roadmaps and Strategies: How can departments, agencies and organisations leverage whole of government strategies and capabilities for their projects and plans?
  • How is the WA Government evolving and adapting to meet the changing needs and demands of citizens, employees and businesses?
  • Implementation, collaboration and transformation priorities: What are the key factors departments and organisations need to consider when developing statewide projects, plans and programs? (Such as the ServiceWA App)
  • Capabilities and Government Skills: How can the WA government attract more skilled employees to join the public sector and what can departments do to improve current workforce capabilities?

Optimising Information Management for Improved Data Security, Government Collaboration and Citizen Experience

  • Data Security: What can departments do to keep citizens data safe while complying with Government frameworks and guidelines? 
  • Data Sharing and Collaboration: With interdepartmental collaboration on the rise across the WA government, what can organisations do to effectively share, utilise and protect data? 
  • Developments around information and records management: The State Records act is over 20 years old, how can the government modernise information management processes, programs and systems to suit current threats and risks? 
  • Business Improvement and Recruitment: How are organisations leveraging data for business improvement processes and systems? How does data fuel more skilled employment in the public sector?

Delivering on the mission and providing the best service for Western Australia’s citizens, while also complying with legislative rules requires sound professional judgment in the public sector: technology alone is not the answer. Learn how many of your Public Sector counterparts from around the country are equipping employees to be both efficient and effective while making informed decisions.

Strengthening ​WA’s Cybersecurity Capabilities and Building Resilience Against Evolving Threats

  • Proactive Security Protocols: How can the government move from a reactive to a proactive cyber security system? 
  • Information and Privacy Protection: What can organisations do to improve their systems, meet government security standards and protect citizens information? With programs like Service WA, how does the WA government ensure citizens identity and information is safe? 
  • Diverse Customer Experience: WA is geographically the biggest state in Australia, how do departments ensure information security across different end users, environments and experiences? 
  • Cyber capability and skills: How do organisations encourage skills and talent development across security roles and the public sector? 
  • Bottlenecks to innovation: succeeding with the adaptive challenge of bringing a diverse workforce together
  • Integrated teams: how leadership can prioritise new mechanisms that enable collective accountability & ownership
  • Scaling by mitosis: propagating success beyond experimental units with the understanding of different organisational structures and operating models 
Peer to Peer Discussions
  • How can we address the digital divide between urban and rural areas and ensure equal access to services for all citizens?
  • What role can technology play in improving digital connectivity and access to citizen services in Western Australia?
  • How can the private sector support the government and citizens of WA in enabling reliable digital connectivity for improved access to services?

  • How can government stay agile and responsive to changing needs and expectations, and ensure that they are continuously improving citizen experience over time?
  • What are some best practices for creating a culture of customer service within an organisation?
  • How can we utilise technology and feedback to better understand citizen needs and preferences, and use that understanding to improve government services?

  • How can Artificial Intelligence be utilised in the WA Public Sector?
  • What are the perceived versus realistic risks, benefits and capabilities?
  • What does successful implementation of AI into government look like?

  • What are some key strategies for cultivating a data-driven culture, and what are some of the challenges you face?
  • How can agencies break down data silos and improve information sharing across government organisations?
  • What are some best practices for leveraging data to improve citizen services while maintaining trust and transparency?

  • They have huge potential to support citizen-centric services by breaking down language barriers and improving the accessibility of information.
  • Considering some of your staff are probably already using freely available services, what are some of the risks and possible approaches to mitigating them?
  • Discuss what early adoption of some of these models and services might look like, what’s realistic in the next 12 months?

  • How can state governments ensure that their cyber security policies and practices are up-to-date and effective, given the constantly evolving nature of cyber threats?
  • What role do public sector employees play in maintaining cyber security, and how can organisations be trained and educated to be more cyber-aware and secure?
  • How can the public and private sector collaborate to share threat intelligence and cyber security learnings?

  • What are the greatest security risks most organisations are exposed to?
  • What are the steps towards emplacing effective plans for worst-case scenarios?
  • How do we equip the government workforce with the tools and skills to combat threats?

  • Fear and understanding: what are the perceived versus realistic risks most departments are exposed to
  • How do we ensure technology and process decisions come from a place of assurance rather than doubt?
  • What are the steps towards emplacing effective plans for worst-case scenarios?

  • What are some current processes in government that can be streamlined and improved?
  • How can organisations best balance priorities between employee experience and process improvement?
  • How can government consult with and train employees on new services, transformations and processes?
  • How can we take greater ownership of continuous improvement with the organisation?

  • What are the key advantages of network automation compared to manual processing?
  • What are some common challenges organisations face when automating a network, and how can we address these issues?
  • How can organisations balance the need for network security with agility and flexibility?

  • How does Government build and maintain trust and confidence during digital transformation for both Western Australia’s citizens and public sector employees?
  • Do you have examples of where you personalise and/or proactively reach out to citizens?

  • How can Security leaders better align cybersecurity goals with business strategies and objectives?
  • What are some tips and challenges for protecting a hybrid workforce?
  • What are some best practices for attracting, reskilling and retaining security talent?

Contact Us
To participate as a speaker:
Brittini Raygo
Senior Conference Producer
T: +61 02 8484 0945
For sponsorship enquiries:
Damien Yong
Senior Sponsorship Sales Manager
T: +61 416 394 326
For event and marketing enquiries:
Iesha Johnson-Gledill
Senior Event Manager
T: +61 424 048 577