Automation and Analytics: A Blueprint to Setting Up Government Services for Success

29 July 2020 2:00 pm - 10:20 pm
  • Days

    FST Government Victoria 2020 – Digital Discussion Series

    Automation and Analytics: A Blueprint to Setting Up Government Services for Success

    According to the Victoria’s whole of gov enterprise solutions dashboard, updating systems and infrastructure are the most common projects underway. This discussion will address the reality of more modern analytical capabilities for government IT infrastructure management:

    • What are the key considerations for IT infrastructure across Vic government in the era of remote work?
    • How do you foresee the need for new IT skillsets evolving to enable governments to automate and scale their network operations with the increasing numbers of users, devices and apps on the network?
    • What are the key security concerns that need to be addressed as IT infrastructure evolves?
    • Advancing network analytics, AI and ML: what are the key implications for government departments?


    Paul Cooper, Former A/Director, Digital Health, Department of Health and Human Services


    Liz Sonenberg, Pro Vice-Chancellor Research Infrastructure and Systems, Pro Vice-Chancellor Digital and Data, University of Melbourne
    Jennifer Rebeiro, Chief Information Officer, City West Water
    Unal Altay, Chief Information Officer,V/Line
    Christian Gilby, Director of Product Marketing, AI-Driven Networks, Juniper Networks