Credential Stuffing in 2021 – From Spills to Fraud and Protecting Users

16 March 2021 11:00 am - 10:05 pm
About the Event

Applications present the single most lucrative set of targets for cybercriminals, with estimated online fraud losses from application attacks projected to exceed $48 billion per year by 2023.

As financial and superannuation firms accelerate the pace of their digital journey to reach their customers, applications will be the primary medium to experience your brand, fulfil transactions and generate revenue.

However, attackers are exploiting the reductions in user friction that businesses have worked so hard to achieve.

Protecting your organisation and your customers means staying up-to-date on emerging threats and expanding the reach of your security team. Join guest speaker Sander Vinberg from F5 Threat Research Labs and F5’s Security Solutions Architect, David Arthur, for an overview of:

  • How attackers bypass current application security controls
  • A different perspective on multi-factor (FRICTION) authentication
  • The 2021 F5 Labs Credential Stuffing Report, providing insights on the relationship between the theft, sale and fraud use of stolen credentials
  • The business impact of credential stuffing