FSTGov WA Digital Discussions 2022 – Session 1

Uplifting Government Agencies’ Ability to Support, Respond and Adapt to Changing Customer Needs
12 October 2022 9:00 am - 8:14 pm
  • Days

Register for Session 1 of this year’s FSTGov Western Australia Digital Discussions.

We’ll explore:

  • Scale versus speed of response: how do we handle transformation best amidst disruption?
  • How do we prioritise our ability to factor in changing customer needs and ongoing business transformation?
  • What enables us to successfully govern public development and innovation projects whilst moving at speed?
  • Understanding why centres of excellence are critical for organisation-wide transformation and how we equip end-users with the right skills and tools accordingly
Former Director, Digital Health
Department of Health and Human Services
Director, Digital Services & Innovation
Office of Digital Government
Chief Digital Officer
Director Business Integration and Improvement team, People and Business Services
Department of Transport and Planning
Solutions Engineer
For sponsorship enquiries:
Chris Da Ros
Group Director
T: +61 475 445 345
To participate as a speaker:
Henna Qaisar
Senior Conference Producer
T: +61 410 828 401