The New Era of Digital Document Processes in Government

6 May 2021 10:00 am - 10:20 am
  • Days

Citizens and businesses look to government services to provide support and resources, particularly throughout uncertain times.   Naturally, the provision of this support requires compliance to procedures and processes – too many government organisations are still relying on these taking place manually.  To continue providing seamless, positive experiences to citizens in today’s digital landscape, digital document processes are necessary.

Attend this webinar and discover practical strategies and steps for extending your existing document process with solutions that help you:

  • Rapidly deliver the digital experiences your citizens expect with efficient, mobile-friendly solutions
  • Eliminate the delays of printing, signing, and scanning with secure and compliant e-signatures
  • Reduce internal processing time from days to hours — or even minutes
  • Deliver standardized security and compliance with precisely controlled workflows


Paul Cooper, Former A/Director, Digital Health, Department Health and Human Services

Guest Speaker:

Nicholas York, ANZ Head of Document Cloud Solutions for Government, Adobe