The Government for The Future – What are the Challenges of Driving Digital Transformation?

9 June 2022 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Melbourne | Coursera Gov
About the Event

Who is this session for?

Chiefs, Heads, and Directors involved in IT, Technology, Digital Transformation, Data Analytics, Strategy, and Learning and Development roles and projects across Victorian Government.


Many government agencies are waking up to the prospect of incorporating a digital workforce into their organizations as part of their digital transformation initiatives. In this session, we will tackle the latest progress in the digital workforce and address obstacles to this development, especially the gap between the need and its implementation.


Key discussion points:

  • What are the latest challenges to achieving the outcomes of the Victorian Digital Strategy 2021-26?
  • How can you upskill, retain, and attract digital talent, and bridge the digital divide?
  • Strategies for recruiting and retaining talent in the face of the Great Resignation

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