Weaving Together Legacy, Cloud and Digital Technologies to Create Dynamic Customer Experiences

FST Media & Amdocs | Sydney
9 May 2023 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Sydney | amdocs
About the Event

Join a roundtable discussion with FST Media & Amdocs, along with 10-15 Senior leaders working across the NSW Financial Services Industry, to discuss Weaving Together Legacy, Cloud and Digital technologies to Create Dynamic Customer Experiences.

Across Australia & beyond, the finance sector is facing significant changes and disruptions, driven by changing customer needs, heightened security risks, and competition from new market players and technologies. To remain competitive and meet the expectations of your customers, it’s essential to update, augment, and reconfigure your existing systems and tools to ensure interoperability with emerging technologies. 

During this roundtable, you will have the opportunity to learn from experts on the sophisticated use of cloud technologies, market trends, and best practices for optimising processes and staff efficiencies that will instil adaptable and agile approaches across your institution. 

Join us for an interactive conversation exploring the following topics: 

  • Banking in Australia: Strategies to attract and keep customers, create personalised experiences and unlock ROI in 2023 and beyond
  • The future of digital for the customer experience: Building the experiences, agility, and innovation mindset
  • The challenge of legacy systems banking: Transforming legacy systems to a modern digital solution
  • Achieving the right long-term approach to cloud: A phased and thoughtful strategy

Chatham House Rules Apply. Reservations are reserved for invited guests, all attendance is complimentary.

Date: Tuesday, 9th May, 12pm till 2pm, Sydney

Contact Us
For delegate enquiries:
Ben Harris
Bespoke Events Producer
T: +61 422 841 077
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