For the first time in FST Media’s history, next-gen entrepreneurs at the Future of Payments conference were given a unique opportunity to pitch their wares against each other in front of the most senior and influential decision makers in financial services. Each pitch was rated by the audience via a live poll.
Winner: Living Room of Satoshi
Developer: Daniel Alexiuc
The Pitch: The Living Room of Satoshi is an innovative platform which allows users to pay any bills within Australia with a BPay Biller code in Bitcoin.
Alexiuc painted a picture of ‘Near Future Dan’ who takes five per cent of his pay in Bitcoin. He used his actual Telstra Bill in a demonstration of how easy it is to use the platform, and pay his bill in Bitcoin, a currency which Telstra is yet to accept directly.
According to Alexiuc, he noted that it was easy for his employer to add Bitcoin as a payment method at a pre-existing check-out. "The fees are so low with Bitcoin, virtually non-existant so it was a no-brainer," he said.
The platform is free to use and uses Coindesk’s public Bitcoin Price as the exchange rate.
According to Alexiuc, the platform already has a large user base in Australia, and can be used online, on a smartphone and through a QR reader.