Transport NSW unveils new technology strategy

digital transport

Transport for NSW has released its new technology strategy, outlining its key priorities to modernise the current transport system through the use of several tech-backed solutions including digital identity, artificial intelligence (AI) and automation.

The strategy said its four key initiatives of focus were:

  • Integrated and interoperable customer information, trip planning, booking options and payment methods to ensure a seamless passenger experience across metropolitan and regional areas;
  • Improve operational technology systems for smoother-running services, by using real-time data, drones, smart sensors and robotics to track the passenger usage and any disruptions;
  • Discover the benefits of emerging technologies to optimise services and meet sustainability and clean energy targets, as well as participate in the responsible use of AI; and
  • Invest in strong enterprise tools and systems to support Transport workforce and bolster cybercrime defences.

It said it would achieve the above areas of focus with the support of several “digital enablers” including digital identity, responsible AI, cloud computing, digital connectivity, cyber security, automation and data management.

“As the pace of digital change accelerates, we can use it to strengthen our transport system today and to test the wider use of technologies to deliver benefits for passengers in the future. The Transport Technology Strategy is the NSW Government’s vision for a transport network enabled by world class technology and delivered in partnership with local communities and industry,” NSW Minister for Transport, the Hon. Jo Haylen, said.

“It reflects some of the ways that new technology can make someone’s everyday transport experience better. Whether it is using a digital identity to plan and book trips, operational technologies that improve reliability and integration across our transport networks, or city-shaping and precinct-making technologies that can make our communities safer, and more liveable.

“Technology like Digital Systems will be essential as we build and maintain an integrated public transport system where passengers can plan and pay for journeys that are seamlessly connected regardless of what mode they are travelling on.”

Off the back of this, Transport for NSW is also trialling new technology on select bus services to support those in the community who are blind, vision impaired or have difficulty accessing public transport.

Transport for NSW Executive Director of Advanced Analytics and Insights, Simone Roberts, said the Bus Boarding Assist Innovation Challenge – run through the Open Data program – will discover the benefits of data and technology to make public transport more accessible for all passengers.

“Catching public transport can be daunting for members of the community who live with vision impairment or reduced mobility, and we want to make their journeys as comfortable and smooth as possible,” she said.

“Some difficulties affecting accessibility include signalling the bus driver, requesting a boarding ramp and knowing when a destination is approaching so the driver can be notified to stop.

“The findings from the trials will help us to understand the effectiveness of using this type of technology in improving the experience for both the passenger and driver, as well as inform future needs for bus technology and systems to support accessibility of our public transport services.”