Movers & Shakers | April 2017

April saw a number of high-profile appointments across financial services, with noteworthy additions to Macquarie Capital, the New Zealand Bankers’ Association, and UBS.


myprosperity has appointed Chris Ridd to the position of Chief Executive Officer

Infocus has appointed Richard Herbst to the position of General Manager of Financial Advice, Michael Corcoran to the position of General Manager of Salaried Advice, and Irene Watt to the position of General Marketing Manager

Macquarie Capital has appointed Chris Key to the position of Managing Director

Man Group has appointed William Ferreira to the newly-created role of Head of Machine Learning

Charter Hall has appointed Russell Proutt to the position of Chief Financial Officer

Synchron has appointed Sheridan Wright to the position of South Australia / Northern Territory Manager

Vanguard Australia has appointed Matt Willis to the position of Head of Institutional, Rebecca Pope to the position of Head of Intermediary, and Colleen Campbell to the position of Head of Client Service and Administration.



The New Zealand Bankers’ Association has appointed David McLean to the position of Chair



The Reserve Bank of India has appointed Malvika Sinha to the position of Executive Director

CIMB has appointed Olivier Crespin to the position of Chief Fintech Officer

UBS has appointed Dan Williams to the position of Chief Lawyer, Asia-Pacific

Allianz has appointed Julia Zheng Kuik to the position of Head of Corporate Development, Asia-Pacific

Julius Baer has appointed Magdalene Low to the position of Group Head, Singapore-based

IBM India has appointed Nipun Mehrotra to the position of Chief Digital Officer

Macquarie Capital has appointed Charles Ma to the position of Managing Director (China)

Evercore Partners has appointed Keith Magnus to the position of Co-Chair, Asia

Al Hilal Bank has appointed Alex Coelho to the position of Chief Executive