Brad was elected as the Mayor of the City of Fremantle in 2009 and re-elected for another term in 2013. Previous to this he served as a councillor from 2005.
In his time as a Councillor, and now in his second term as the Mayor of Fremantle, Dr Brad Pettitt has been a member of and chaired a broad range of working groups and committees including the Urban Development Advisory Committee, Transport Committee, Climate Change Adaptation working group and the City Centre Strategic Sites working group. He is currently on the Heritage Council of WA and Westcycle – WA’s peak body for cycling.
Until taking up the role of Mayor, Brad was the Dean of the School of Sustainability at Murdoch University. His research and teaching expertise included climate change, international aid policy, and sustainability planning.
After completing his degree and PhD in sustainable development at Murdoch University he had the opportunity to work with Oxfam on community fisheries project in Cambodia. After that he went to work with the Australian Government Aid Program in Canberra before returning to Murdoch to lecture in sustainable development.
When not working, Brad likes to ride his bike, surf, drink coffee in Freo and read newspapers.