Chris Rothwell

Executive Manager Operational Support, Stores and Specialty Banking


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Chris Rothwell is currently employed as Executive Manager Operational Support, Stores and Specialty Banking for Suncorp.  Chris has over 25 years banking and financial experience working in executive and regional leadership, lending, business, branch and operational areas.  As part of his operational support initiatives Chris has moved into establishing robotics solutions in Stores and Specialty Banking which has seen successful deployments of RPA initiatives.  Chris has also completed a Bachelor of Information Technology with distinction majoring in Management and Information Systems at the Queensland University of Technology, Gardens Point Campus.

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Murali Ramesh
Production Director
T: +61 2 8484 0904
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Aron Kunaseelan
Chief Operating Officer
T: +61 423 631 461
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Henna Qaisar
Senior Conference Producer
T: +61 410 828 401