Irina Bastrakova

Director, Spatial Data Architecture

Geoscience Australia

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Irina Bastrakova is currently working as a Director of Spatial Data Architecture Section, National Location Information Branch of Geoscience Australia (GA)

Irina has been actively involved with international and national geoinformatics communities for more than 17 years. She has been interested in developing and practical application of geoscientific and geospatial standards through leveraging common information models, data patterns and vocabularies across multidisciplinary High Performance Data assets to support effective ingestion of data within High Performance environments,. Her particular focus is the application of standard technologies such as NetCDF, adoption of semantic web technologies and improving online accessibility to geoscientific data through application of common metadata and data standards.

Irina has M.Sc in Structural Geology from the Moscow State University. She is a member of a number of international (e.g. ISGN Technical and Governance Committees, Research Data Alliance (RDA) Provenance Interest Group) and national committees (e.g. ANDC Metadata Advisory Board, Australian Government Linked Data Working Group, ICSM Metadata Working Group, and NCI Advisory Technical Committee).

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Conference Producer
T: +61 2 8484 0918
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T: +61 433 732 794
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T: +61 2 8484 0904