Sandy Burgoyne

Researcher, Educator, Speaker

Smart Cities Inc

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Sandy Burgoyne is a researcher, speaker and educator in the field of smart and sustainable cities. Sandy has worked for 25 years developing and leading business

strategies and transformation within the telecommunications, information technology and not for profit sectors. Now Sandy works to increase the capacity of industry,

Government, and communities to develop sustainable cities, large and small. Formally, the founding Director, Future Cities Collaborative at the United States Studies

Centre, is now working with the Smart Urbanism Lab at the University of Sydney whilst continuing her urban studies in governance models for citizen participation in smart

cities and intelligent communities projects whilst continuing her urban studies in governance models for citizen participation in smart  urban development.

She is a Co-Chair of SSCANZ Policy and Leadership committee; Co-Chair, IoTAA Sub Committee -Education workstream and Non Executive Board

member in the TAFE and Health Sector.






ittee; Co-

Chair, IoTAA Sub Committee -Education workstream and Non Executive Board


in the TAFE and Health Sector.

To participate as a speaker:
Henna Qaisar
Senior Conference Producer
T: +61 410 828 401
To participate as a speaker:
Jasmine Haw Alverez
Conference Producer
T: +61 2 8484 0918
To participate as a speaker:
Murali Ramesh
Production Director
T: +61 2 8484 0904