Sarah Dods

Innovation Business Owner

Australia Post

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Dr Sarah Dods is a maven, technologist and innovation business leader.   Her current role is with Australia Post as an Innovation Business Leader, developing new opportunities to leverage Australia Post assets to solve new and emerging challenges in the digital world. 

Sarah’s career spans deep-tech in Australia’s innovation system, across public and private research organisations, high-tech startups, telecoms, IT & resources innovation, business development and commercialisation.  This smorgasbord includes 13 years as an academic, researching optical broadband network engineering (think NBN), which culminated in co-founding Monitoring Division, NICTA’s first Victorian spin out company.  She was responsible for implementing CSIRO’s entrepreneurship and innovation program, and led CSIRO research programs in the Digital Economy, and into Health Service Delivery. Sarah’s deep passion is in realising economic and social value from technology advances; to bridge the gap between research challenges, market opportunities, and implementable solutions to create value and make a difference for everyday Australians and our businesses. She is a fan of life-long learning, a believer in the value of diversity, and an incurable optimist.

Dr Dods qualifications include a B.Sc(hons) in Physics and a PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, both from the University of Melbourne.  She has 3 patents and 70 refereed publications to her name, is a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. 


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Jasmine Haw Alverez
Conference Producer
T: +61 2 8484 0918
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Murali Ramesh
Production Director
T: +61 2 8484 0904
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Aron Kunaseelan
Chief Operating Officer
T: +61 423 631 461