Síobháine is an award-winning and innovative product development leader with over 25 years international experience in finance, insurance, compliance regulatory design and implementation.
Her purpose is to champion a new era of global growth and productivity where compliance is no longer a burden and innovation is both protected and driven by regulation.
As CEO and Co-Founder of Realta Logic Siobhaine’s focus is on operationalising legislation in enterprise as digital infrastructure, embedding regulatory compliance requirements into core business operating models, breaking down organisational silos and empowering enterprise to embrace compliance as a competitive advantage, in the face of continuing legal and regulatory complexity.
Síobháine’s global leadership experience includes representing Insurance Ireland at EU level on regulations. Actively engaging with policy makers on pivotal Legislation including PRIIPS, GDPR, MiFiD II and Brexit. Síobháine broke new ground by spearheading and delivering the passporting of a Luxembourg Life platform into Ireland via the EU passport rules. A 1st for Ireland, a first for the EU. She co designed the 1st Private Banking Portfolio platform for Bank of Ireland Private Banking which is still in active today.
Siobhaine has qualifications in ESG and the application of AI, blockchain technologies and other emerging technologies to business processes. She sits on the Future Law Network Steering Committee with the Australian Society for Computer and Law and is an active member of the Irish Australian Chamber of Commerce.