Stella is the inaugural Chief Digital Officer for the Canterbury DHB and the West Coast DHB. This role provides strategic leadership and governance to ensure current and future technology contributes to the transalpine vision of an integrated health system – “One System, One Budget”.
Stella works in partnership with Executive Team Members and the South Island Alliance, providing advice to the Board and management on digital governance and standards. Stella is involved in many innovative and effective changes including the South Island Patient Information Care System (SI PICS), Cortex, Celo and Health Connect South. Her goal is to embed a fully digital health system that reduces duplication, saves clinical time and improves patient safety.
Stella also has a number of Executive Portfolios that include the Christchurch Health Precinct and Health Innovation (Via Innovations Executive Director). She is the commercial relationship manager for the Strategic Partnerships with Orion Health; Hewlett Packard and GE Healthcare.
Stella is also a member of the Hewlett Packard Enterprise Global Advisory Board. She believes it is essential in health leadership to have a global view and is always delighted to have the opportunity to meet with and share learning with, health and related industry leaders all over the world.