Protection against cyber crime with a simplified and secured cloud solution


One in every three employees at Fortune 1000 companies has uploaded and shared sensitive corporate data to third-party cloud-based applications. Worse still, over half of all employees know they are violating company policy by doing so.

In rapidly evolving security landscape, where an ever-more sophisticated array of cyber ‘hacks’ meet increasingly porous defensive frontiers, it is vital to ensure corporate systems are effectively safeguarded against user- and cloud-based threats.

In light of this expanding threatscape, IBM has sought to breakdown and critically analyse security loopholes present in today’s corporate IT infrastructures, and develop an innovative solution that overcomes key vulnerabilities inherent in cloud networks.

Download this white paper to discover how IBM:

•    Simplified and secured the cloud with a single, integrated software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution
•    Harnessed “shadow IT” usage while accelerating the transition to approved cloud services
•    Helped protect against user and cloud-based threats
•    Shortened response times to security incidents and policy violations
•    Enforced access controls and corporate policies for cloud usage