Dr. Ausma Bernot

Lecturer in Tech & Crime

Griffith University

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Dr Ausma Bernot is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Griffith University, researching in the areas of privacy and surveillance. Two of her primary research foci are (1) underexplored issues in privacy and surveillance, and (2) technology governance and regulation, as they relate to the criminal justice system. Dr Bernot completed her PhD from the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Griffith University, in 2023.

Most recent of Dr Bernot’s academic research has focused on data transfer concerns, many of which overlapped with Australia’s federal debates. Namely, social media, genomic data, and Chinese information-collecting technologies, such as CCTV cameras and drones. Her current research focus aims to articulate facial recognition harms from the perspective of individuals across Australia, with a particular focus on marginalised communities.

Previous Appearances
Future Gov Queensland 2024
27 March 2024
  • Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
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