7th Annual

Insurance Summit, Sydney 2024

5 September 2024 8:00 am - 5:30 pm

Shangri-La Sydney
  • Days
Spots Filling Fast!

Complimentary for FSI Executives

FST Media’s Insurance Summit, Sydney 2024 is a forum at the vanguard of innovation, technological advancement and customer-centric strategies within Australia’s Insurance industry.

Across the country, the Insurance industry is responding to an evolving risk landscape through radical transformation. A brief snapshot of these revolutionary shifts include embarking on a digital transformation to modernise operations, operating within the constraints of compliance and harnessing advanced technologies to deliver consistently excellent services to customers.

This premier event promises to be a culmination of industry insights and networking opportunities like no other. This year’s Insurance Summit, Sydney 2024 will host a series of keynote presentations, on-stage interviews, panel discussions, and robust peer-to-peer roundtable sessions. This forum will gather over 15+ speakers, 15+ technology vendors, and 120+ senior insurance delegates.

In 2024, the forum will encompass primarily three key themes – enhancing customer experiences, exploring innovative use-cases for advanced analytics and AI, and implementing novel business models in an era of economic consolidation.

The over-arching theme of the conference will be: “Building our Digital Future Through Data-Driven Innovation, Digital Transformation and Novel Business Strategies”

The following sub-themes will underscore all the content on the day:

  • Embarking on a digital transformation to modernise operations and align with evolving customer expectations. 
  • Increasing workforce productivity and revenue growth through cutting-edge data science, advanced analytics and Artificial Intelligence.
  • Adapting to a shifting macro-economic landscape by leveraging data analytics and employing innovative business models.


Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer
QBE Insurance Australia Pacific
Executive General Manager, Strategy, Architecture and Optimisation, Technology and Operations
Executive General Manager, Strategy and Innovation
Suncorp Group
Chief Commercial Officer
Hollard Insurance
Group Chief Financial Officer
Cover-More Group
Chief Executive Officer
Executive Manager - Core Data Platforms
Suncorp Group

Stay tuned for further speaker announcements...

  • How can insurers balance fostering technological transformation while responding to increasingly stringent regulatory requirements?  
  • What can organisations do to adapt their IT infrastructure to comply with regulatory standards and safeguard customer data without stifling innovation? 
  • What due diligence processes should insurers undertake to ensure that new tools and solutions comply with existing regulations and standards? 


  • Digital Innovation: how customer-centric digital strategies are reshaping traditional insurance processes, products, and business models.   
  • Disrupt the Status Quo: embracing data-driven innovation and implementing an enterprise-wide digital transformation to propel business growth and meet evolving consumer needs.  
  • Shifting Macro-Economic Landscape: commercial strategies for the continuous delivery of excellent services to customers and remaining profitable in an era of economic downturn. 
  • The Future of Insurance: Assessing the potential and usefulness of technologies such as cloud computing, big data analytics, automation and Generative AI, and forecasts around their revolutionary impact on the insurance landscape.
  • Our peer-to-peer roundtable discussions enable you to engage with other attendees as they rotate from table to table.
  • Each discussion features one of 8 distinct topics and is hosted by a technology expert together with a FSI co-host to drive an engaging conversation amongst the participants.
  • This year's top themes span across Data Analytics, Insurance Underwriting, AI/ ML, Intelligent Automation, and Risk
  • Our peer-to-peer roundtable discussions enable you to engage with other attendees as they rotate from table to table.
  • Each discussion features one of 8 distinct topics and is hosted by a technology expert together with a FSI co-host to drive an engaging conversation amongst the participants.
  • This year's top themes span across Data Analytics, Insurance Underwriting, AI/ ML, Intelligent Automation, and Risk.
  • Transitioning insurance focus from financial protection to harm prevention.
  • Innovating insurance distribution methods for customer accessibility.
  • Leveraging specialist data and AI for smarter risk management in insurtech.

Our peer-to-peer roundtable discussions enable you to engage with other attendees as they rotate from table to table.

Each discussion features one of 8 distinct topics and is hosted by a technology expert together with a FSI co-host to drive an engaging conversation amongst the participants.

This year's top themes span across Payment Innovation, Data Analytics, Insurance Underwriting, AI/ ML, Intelligent Automation, and Risks.

Refer below for Topics

Our peer-to-peer roundtable discussions enable you to engage with other attendees as they rotate from table to table.

Each discussion features one of 8 distinct topics and is hosted by a technology expert together with a FSI co-host to drive an engaging conversation amongst the participants.

This year's top themes span across Payment Innovation, Data Analytics, Insurance Underwriting, AI/ ML, Intelligent Automation, and Risks.

Refer below for Topics

• Embracing Technological Disruption: Harnessing the power of Generative AI to drive innovation and efficiency in insurance operations.

• Customer-Centric Leadership: Strategies for creating personalized and seamless experiences to meet evolving claims processing and customer expectations in the digital age.

• ESG and Sustainable Leadership: Exploring the role of environmental, social, and governance factors in shaping insurance industry practices and driving sustainable growth.

• Enhancing Employee Engagement: Providing a positive and inclusive workplace culture for employee engagement, growth, and development to drive business success.

  • Achieving customer success in the digital age: delivering frictionless digital services, providing seamless omnichannel experiences, leveraging data analytics to customize product offerings, and creating secure, personalized customer journeys. 
  • Addressing evolving client needs through digital transformation: reducing manual processing, overcoming legacy system challenges, utilising digital channels, and boosting productivity and revenue with the assistance of automation and Generative AI.  
  • Novel commercial frameworks: Responding to market changes with a strategy focused on data-driven innovation, hyper-personalisation and the provision of significant customer experiences across all distribution channels.
  • How are retirement insurance products evolving to address the shifting needs and expectations of retirees in today's dynamic economic landscape? 
  • What role do emerging technologies play in shaping the design and delivery of retirement insurance services, and how are insurers leveraging digital channels to enhance customer engagement in this sector? 
  • In what ways are regulatory changes and market trends influencing the development and distribution of retirement insurance products, and how are insurers adapting their strategies to remain competitive?
  • Modernizing IT Infrastructure – Replace outdated systems by identifying current system gaps, defining future needs, considering platform choices, formulating a comprehensive data migration plan, and establishing a foundation that allows for the integration of AI. 
  • Integrating AI into Your Analytics Strategy – Expand your analytical capabilities beyond initial Proof of Concepts by establishing robust data infrastructure, implementing AI to automate manual tasks, thereby increasing workforce productivity and enhancing business outcomes, and gaining a competitive edge by delivering highly-personalised, innovative products to the market.  
  • The Future of Insurance: Attain operational excellence through an enterprise-wide digital transformation that leverages Machine Learning and Generative AI to transform fundamental insurance processes, such as underwriting, claims forecasting, processing, and customer service.
  • Effective customer engagement strategies that foster long-term customer relationships. 
  • How insurance companies are embracing digital tools and technology to enhance service offerings and streamline customer interactions. 
  • Building modern platforms and systems to eliminate legacy technology, enhance customer experience and facilitate seamless integration of new technologies, programs, and tools.
  • How to leverage internal expertise to develop AI applications for improved customer service, risk management, fraud detection, optimized claims forecasting, automated processing, regulatory reporting, and more.
  • How to start, scale, and manage your AI strategy in a governed and compliant manner.
  • With 62% of financial services leaders planning to use Generative AI or Large Language Models (LLMs) over the next year, how can insurance organizations avoid lagging and effectively introduce and scale Generative AI?

  • How are digital services like mobile apps, online portals, and chatbots changing the nature of interactions between insurers and customers? 
  • What strategies can be employed to integrate digital services and ensure a unified customer journey that adapts to policyholders’ changing needs? 
  • Why is providing seamless experiences across digital channels crucial for building customer loyalty and retention in the insurance industry? 

  • How are emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, shaping the evolution of digital insurance? 
  • What role do customer preferences and experiences play in the development and expansion of digital channels in the insurance industry? 
  • How can insurers strike a balance between providing convenience through digital services and ensuring customer security and trust? 

  • What are the key components of digital platforms that are crucial for building a robust foundation for future innovation and growth? 
  • How can comprehensive solutions be developed to address customer needs and enhance business success across all operational domains? 
  • How can tools such as virtual assistants be utilised to automate administrative tasks, allowing employees to concentrate on addressing intricate problems and delivering exceptional customer service? 

  • How can insurers embed a data-driven mindset across the organisation to improve decision-making and performance? 
  • How can insurance organisations stay agile and adapt their data-driven strategies to remain competitive in a dynamic digital landscape? 
  • How should insurers address the implications of automated decision-making, data sharing frameworks, and compliance requirements as part of a maturing data strategy? 

  • How do insurers utilise data and analytics, foster innovation and maintain a competitive edge in the evolving financial landscape? 
  • What strategies can insurers adopt to ensure their data infrastructure and practices are resilient and adaptable to future challenges and opportunities? 
  • In what ways can insurers use data analytics and predictive modeling to anticipate market trends and customer needs, enabling them to proactively innovate and expand their offerings? 

  • How can data analytics help insurers gain deeper insights into how customer needs are changing? 
  • What role does data analytics play in tailoring insurance products and services to meet customer preferences? 
  • How can insurers use data analytics to anticipate future customer needs and stay ahead? 

  • How do insurers accelerate transformation through the right technology?   
  • Before implementing new technologies, how can banks ensure proper testing of hardware & software? 
  • How do we avoid building the next legacy system?   

  • What are the key considerations and challenges involved in implementing automation technologies?   
  • What can insurers expect to achieve by embracing digital transformation and automation? 
  • How can these advancements enhance overall customer experience, transparency and accountability? 

  • How technology is enabling the development of dynamic and flexible insurance solutions 
  • Benefits of tailoring retirement products to individual needs, preferences, and financial situations. 
  • The concerns related to the security, transparency, and regulatory implications of integrating cutting-edge technologies into retirement insurance offerings. 

  • How can insurers strategically integrate artificial intelligence and machine learning into their operations? 
  • How can AI and machine learning be leveraged to drive innovation within banking? 
  • What does successful implementation of AI look like? 

  • Improving operational efficiency and automate processes that create customer friction
  • How to prioritise investment decisions to enable customer centric systems
  • Striking the balance between self-service and human contact in critical decision-making processes

For sponsorship enquiries:
Brigitte Guerin
Commercial Director
T: +61 417 678 632
For event and marketing enquiries:
Jessica Cozanitis
Marketing Executive
T: +61 401 422 928
To participate as a speaker:
Stella Spackman
Senior Conference Producer
T: +61 433 732 794

Please note that delegate attendance is complimentary for the financial services industry only.

Paid tickets are available for service providers to the industry (e.g., solution providers to the banking, insurance & wealth management industry) at the discretion of FST Media. For more information on vendor fees, please contact fsisales@fst.net.au or +61 2 8484 0918.

FST Media reserves the right to decline registration and entry to the event.

By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions for complimentary VIP Registration, you acknowledge that to qualify for that complimentary VIP pass the delegate needs to be currently employed by a Financial Services organisation.

Should you be unable to attend on the day of the conference, a ‘like-for-like’ substitute is welcome to attend in your stead at no extra charge, provided we are informed of the change up to 14 days prior to the conference. Any cancellations made within 14 days of the conference, with no relevant substitute provided, will incur a $150+ GST non-attendance fee. This fee will be used to cover delegate material costs and catering costs incurred by FST Media on submission of delegate numbers to the conference venue.

FST Media will make every effort to ensure that the event and the program will take place as advised. FST Media reserves the right to delete or alter items in the program and will not take financial responsibility for changes that are the result of events beyond its control, including travel and/or accommodation.

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  • The use of your personal information for the purposes of providing direct marketing material to you; and
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