Off the back of years of unparalleled trial and tribulation, Victoria’s citizens and Government are successfully bouncing back, but not without some help from its tech and digital resources that have accelerated the state’s recovery. Budget announcements focused on continuing Victoria’s innovative ways of delivering care, especially for rural and regional citizens, and investing in the TAFE and training sector to create more places for digital literacy and employability skills courses to get Victorians back to work.
As the ramifications of the last few years persist, so has the Government’s reprioritisation of digital transformation for public service functions, with commitments to building future-ready and resilient industries, investing in the digital infrastructure and skills, fostering a culture of innovation and continuous learning, ensuring digital inclusivity, and facilitating seamless digital interactions between Government, businesses and the community. Addressing these issues and more, FST Government is delighted to host our 7th annual Victoria conference in 2022. We welcome esteemed technology and digital innovation thought leaders from the public sector to discuss trends that are shaping the future of digital government.
Join us where we’ll explore:
- The innovation of citizen services in the wake of several crises, and the digitisation of key social welfare functions
- Victoria’s post-COVID recovery program
- The state’s whole-of-government digital transformation program
- The re-engineering of Victoria’s digital resources and capabilities into public services that need it most
- The advancement of omnichannel services and platforms for citizens
- Data governance and adaptive cybersecurity
Best Practices for Supercharging Your Digital Transformation
- How can agencies ensure that their digital transformation is centred on people's needs, is personalised, digitally inclusive and that all people, including the most vulnerable, have seamless access to citizen services?
- What are key strategies for prioritising and managing large-scale projects, such as IT modernisation and improving public services?
- How are agencies reimagining their digital transformation programs and operating models now that they have implemented new hybrid work strategies?
- What are the most effective tools and strategies for engaging, personalising, communicating, and mobilising resources to successfully deliver upon user outcomes?
- Deliver apps to support the workforce and citizens at the speed agencies demand and operate across data centre, cloud, and edge environments
- Drive rapid digital transformation to deliver resiliency, governance, and security
- Transform the way agencies operate in the cloud with a single solution for multi-cloud management, security and cost, and visibility
Realising the Outcomes of Improved Services, Capabilities, and Agility
- Becoming a digital-ready public service: what are the shifts required to become a responsive, resilient, and connected government organisation?
- Increase productivity and achieve more with less: how do we prioritise transformation in line with The Digital Strategy 2021-2026?
- What are some real-world examples of how and what should we measure to best drive digital mindsets, skills and ways of working?
- In the world of the great resignation, how do we enable our people and talent with the necessary skills, safety, and wellbeing?
How to Attract, Retain and Mobilise Teams Towards Transformation
One year before the pandemic, Andrea released her first award-winning book, Future Fit, where she declared that 'nine to five was over and so is the traditional style of leadership that thrived inside of those hours.' Now, as we find ourselves negotiating new ways of working, Andrea believes that we have a brief window of opportunity to examine what is specifically required of leaders to mobilise teams towards change: we need a new perspective on our relationship with tools, talent, and time; new tactics to engage empowered employees; and clarity around the role that learning plays in creating value for the organisations we serve.
- How can we build public trust by being transparent about how we collect, manage, use, and protect personal data?
- How can agencies improve data management to better understand public needs, and accelerate outcomes through informed policymaking and personalized service delivery?
- What steps can we take to remove barriers to and facilitate responsible and secure cross-agency data sharing and collaboration, allowing for more convenient, faster, and seamless services?
- What are some best practices to becoming a data-driven agency and developing data skills across the workforce?
What Public Sector Needs to Know to Attract Talent
As Public Sector grapples with ongoing transformation, skills shortages, and the drive to acquire and retain highly sought-after talent, the question becomes - how can we effectively create pathways and a diverse team geared to attract top graduates?
With some provocative thinking as expected from Australia’s leading research institution, this session seeks to provide a unique line of sight into how we can shape an environment and encourage a culture fit for innovation.
- Is Public Sector ready to attract entrepreneurial, creative, and innovative skillsets from diverse backgrounds?
- How do we create a strong pipeline of talent, especially through partnership?
- What kind of environment and culture does Public Sector need to create in order for graduate talent to thrive?
- Who is Deakin CREATE and what do we do?
- Better understanding the employment landscape experienced by highly skilled people from refugee backgrounds
- The benefit of creating enablers to career (re)establishment for people from refugee backgrounds
Building Cyber Resilience in an Evolving Threat Landscape
- Steps to raising the cyber maturity consciousness of the industry base
- IT modernisation: Updating vs Replacing?
- Best practices for protecting DHS data and moving the U.S. towards zero trust principles
- Updates on Hack DHS and cyber hygiene initiatives