Te Mahere mō te Whakaurunga Matihiko, or the Digital Inclusion Blueprint, released in 2019, is a hallmark of NZ’s progressive technology agenda – a vision for an inclusive, citizen-centric public service that empowers engagement through technology.
However, while digital technologies are seen as the critical artery of interaction between the government and its citizenry, NZ’s public service has too often failed to establish a similar cooperative link between its own agencies. Hampered by a lack of collaboration and chronic data siloing between agencies, successive NZ governments have been stymied in their efforts to deliver a holistic, all-in-one service offering. The state’s Chief Digital Office has sought to rectify this, creating a “centrally-led and collaboratively-delivered” digital program that has sought to break down traditional barriers and establish a new framework for the cooperative government services delivery.
The FST Government New Zealand conference will explore the next phase of NZ’s collaborative digital program and technological trends shaping the country’s public sector.
Join us in Wellington to explore:
- Whole-of-government digital transformation and consolidation
- Data governance and adaptive cybersecurity
- Omnichannel services and platforms
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) and the new face of augmented government
- Anticipatory, or predictive, government
- Agile by design methodologies
- Cloud-backed, XaaS environments and the inevitable shift from on-premise infrastructure
- Robotic process automation (RPA)
- Digital identity
- Fourth industry revolution (4IR) technologies and how they will shape citizen-centric government