Off the back of last year’s Federal Election, the APS sets its sights on mobilising distinct strategic change and transformation across digital services and initiatives over the next 3-5 years. FST Government’s Australia Summit 2023 will address the next steps in the Government’s digital strategy.
We’ll bring together esteemed thought leaders and technologists from around the globe to explore the Federal Government’s digital innovation pipeline, its pledge to transform government services and how it will build on next-generation digital skills and capabilities accelerated during the pandemic.
Join us where we’ll explore:
- The Australian digital revolution of services and information for citizens
- How the APS is improving alignment and oversight of digital and ICT investment
- The development of Government Architecture
- Cyber strategy and the enablement of a resilient security ecosystem
- Cloud migration and the shift into multi-cloud environments
- Artificial intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and automation strategies to make the leap to augmented, predictive government
Protective Security in the Digital Environment
How Health and Aged Care’s Digital Transformation has Actioned Aged Care Reform through Exemplary Sector Engagement and Linked Technical Roadmap
On-Stage Interview: ATO’s Capability and Role in the APS Data Ecosystem
- Smarter Data’s capability landscape and management of AI and Automation agendas
- The context of data in large-scale operational agencies, and how this inevitably links APS agencies, creating demand and influencing decision-making
- Linking Data & Digital professions, and how this evolution underpins the future of data within transformation
Our peer to peer roundtable discussions enable you to engage with other attendees as Hosts and Cohosts rotate from table to table. Each discussion features one of 20 distinct topics and is hosted by a technology expert together with a government co-host to drive an engaging conversation amongst the participants. This year's top themes span across: IT Modernisation, Innovation & Infrastructure Data, Analytics, and Information Management Digital Services, Delivery & Design Information Security, Risk & Strategy Workforce Enablement: Skills, Tools & Capability
Demonstrating Automation Values and Why it Can be Your Key to Success
Automation, leveraging process Management and other technologies, has opened up new possibilities. The pace of adoption has been rapid. Governments and organisations of all sizes globally are leveraging automation to drive value. When done right, automation has proven to deliver real benefits, join this session to explore the power of automation and why it could be your key to success:
- What is the recipe for success to streamline processes and improve efficiency & accuracy
- Changing your approach to process management
- Building an automation centre of excellence
The Expansion of Information Capability: Charting the APS Path Towards Seamless Information Flow, Predictive Analytics, and Data Mobilisation
- Data maturity: climbing the curve through integration of new technology and people capability for data outcomes, enabled through forward-thinking internal Data Offices
- Bridging smart data, technology, and the organisation: applying best practice standards to data innovation amidst intelligent IT adoption, AI, and analytics
- Increased value of insights: enhancing and protecting information as an asset amidst the evolving focus on evidence-based decision-making
- Fast feedback loops: the primacy of being able to align data with organisational strategy and monitoring diverse customer needs to derive meaningful initiatives
Securing Digital Transformation in Government: How DevSecOps helps you tackle GRC, Cyber Skills, and Technical Debt
Join us to hear what leading local and Global agencies have tried, failed, and then successfully achieved to address: GRC, Cyber Skills, and Technical Debt. We will discuss:
- Organizational challenges - Structure, Silo’s, resources, culture, policy and prioritization
- GRC challenges - Shifting Security left/everywhere, simplifying processes, reducing the workload/burden of compliance and increasing the accuracy/value of Executive Risk Management Plans.
- Context challenges - Talent attraction/retention, contractor budgets, Service Provider delivered Applications, Technical debt avoidance, policy constraints and responsiveness.
We will reference real case studies on proven Techniques and Technologies that can either set you and your organizations’ Digital Transformation plans on course for success, or sink them. Hear about and, most importantly, avoid the painful Whac-a-Mole “learnings” you might otherwise encounter...
The Now and New of Resilience in a World of Risk, Threat, and Pressure
- Leading cyber uplift: strengthening cyber literacy at all levels and equipping transformative technology leaders to underpin sector growth through secure by design adoption
- The future of cyber resourcing: the role of culture, collaboration, and recruitment in developing a skilled and diverse technology workforce to meet the critical shortages and rising demand for specialists
- No gaps: aligning all facets of cyber across technical, policy, governance and intelligence not only with each other, but embedded throughout the organisation and sector-wide
- Stress test & continuous improvement: creating safe opportunities to advance current processes, improve Essential 8 mitigation, and build adaptive understanding of risks particular to your own organisation
The Digital Restart Fund: How NSW has Become a World Leading Digital Government
Established in 2019, the Digital Restart Fund (DRF) has played a significant role in cementing NSW’s position as a digital leader, with the investment model now being widely adopted across other jurisdictions and internationally.
Join Mark Howard in exploring the impact of the DRF’s $2 billion investment across almost 300 digital transformations, all of which have improved outcomes for community, government and the NSW economy.
AI, Hyperautomation and Digital Transformation: Ethical considerations for Government
This keynote explores the futuristic technological landscape for augmented predictive government, comprising of emerging technologies such as AI, hyperautomation, IoT and Data Ecosystems. It then discusses the ethical concerns that must be carefully considered to develop governance and regulatory frameworks to bring about an ethical digital transformation trusted by citizens.