Building a Cyber-Resilient Organisation that Prevents Cyber-Attacks and Mitigates Risk
Cyber-attacks remain the most difficult threat and risk in the financial services industry despite significant advances by the sector to boost cyber defence, vigilance and resilience. Cybercriminals are one step ahead of the game, increasing their malicious attacks’ precision, sophistication and intensity and taking up digital products and services, providing ample opportunity for cybercrime.
The Future of Security, Melbourne is FST Media’s dedicated security forum for Victoria, exploring the most pressing issues of cybersecurity, resilience and diligence in the financial services industry.
Join us as we help you navigate the key post-pandemic trends in 2023, including digital transformation accelerating cyber-attacks, data security concerns with the next phase of Open Banking, and partnering with key stakeholders and financial regulators to shape security practices.
Featured Topics:
- Endpoint Security
- Open Banking and Data Security
- Digital Identity and Access Management
- Threat Intelligence and Management
- Breach Detection and Prevention
- Mobility and Device Security
- Data Protection and Information Governance
- Cybersecurity and Resilience
- DevSecOps
- Financial Services Innovation
- SOC Innovations
We are thrilled to add two new zones to our upcoming conference, offering attendees an even wider range of high-level conversations and invaluable insights.
Zone 1: Data Security
Attendees to this zone can expect high-level conversations on:
– Using unified data controls for security, privacy, governance and compliance
– Breaking organisational silos for increased data visibility
– Protecting data through automated systems that discover security misconfigurations
Zone 2: Cyber Resilience
Attendees to this zone can expect high-level conversations on:
– Protecting their organisations from threats through identity-centred cyber resilience strategies
– Implementing proactive measures that mitigate risk and improve your security posture
– Identifying, responding and recovering from IT security incidents through business continuity planning
As part of the registration, please select a zone that aligns with your interests and objectives.
- Now – Deepfakes
- Soon – Generative AI
- Later – Quantum Computing
- The best defence is informed by the best intelligence - Evolving cyber threats and the risk it poses to Australia - What can we do to combat disruptive cyber threats
- Exploring Telstra’s ‘Cleaner Pipes’ initiative and the Financial Services sector
- Playing to our strengths to make the digital experience as safe as possible
- Assessing the most significant trend in the cyber security landscape: the industrialisation of cyber-crime
- Assessing the future of security for Australia’s Financial Services Industry
- Data security, governance and privacy in a data-centric world - improving information protection tools to improve trust with stakeholders and enhance cyber resilience
- Utilising technology to govern and protect data within the constraints of compliance
Understanding the supplier fraud challenges in financial services How to detect and prevent supplier fraud including how to get visibility into the risk posed by your suppliers Best practices of combating supplier impersonation and account compromise
- Understanding the post-AI recruitment landscape
- Acquiring talent through hiring for qualities like creativity and problem-solving
- Utilising novel strategies to protect your future data
- Establishing a proactive post-quantum security framework that secures your data
- Evolving beyond enterprise cyber defenses like public key technology
- Become cyber resilient by protecting your cloud-based networks through encryption
- Securing your enterprise through preventative IAM measures
Join us to learn about:
- Navigating the emerging and rapidly developing regulations around AI
- Understanding how bad actors are using generative AI to their own advantage
- Protecting your own business and data from cyberattacks using AI and machine learning
- Detecting cybercrime in landscape of rapidly changing threats
- Improving investment in cyber security through heightened board engagement
- Strengthening your threat detection strategies when undergoing a digital transformation
- Creating a cyber safe culture in your organisation through security awareness and continuous improvement
- Understanding the interested parties, attack surfaces, gaps in your control posture and what matters to your business
- Prioritising threat consequences from the outset of strategy building, especially if your main challenges are time and complexity when responding to threats
- Leveraging "stop the bleed" principle when uplifting or introducing new capabilities and quantifying the outstanding risks with a clear mitigation plan
- Establishing a cyber security strategy that reflects business and capabilities, especially when cyber security is a key enabler (e.g Digital Trust)