Today, eGovernment is no mere afterthought; it is an expectation among Australia’s tech-savvy citizenry. This is no accident. It is a testament to the states’ progressive adoption of digital infrastructure and e-services across the public sector – an ambition readily embraced by the public.
The Federal Government has been at the forefront of this push, becoming a champion – indeed a beacon – for digital transformation efforts across the country. Yet, as technological ambitions are ensnared in the grind of government machinery, efforts to modernise and digitise the Federal bureaucracy are often mired in cost, operational compatibility, and data security considerations. Delivering consistency and continuity within the public sector’s wholesale transformation program will present a major challenge for the Government, particularly as it pursues its long-anticipated digital social services platform, Services Australia.
Our flagship conference, FST Government Australia 2020 will chart these critical developments and challenges, as well as transformational trends shaping eGovernment in Australia.
Join us in November 2020 to explore key trends in:
- Data governance and adaptive cybersecurity
- Whole-of-government digital transformation
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) and the new face of augmented government
- Anticipatory or predictive government
- Agile by design methodologies
- A cloud-backed environment and the inevitable shift from on-premise infrastructure
- Robotic process automation (RPA)
- Omnichannel services and platforms
- Digital identity
- Fourth industry revolution (4IR) technologies and how they will shape citizen-centric government